Termite Control Services
How Our Termite Services Work?
Inspections are 50% Off if Already a Customer
Unlimited Re-Services at Anytime
Termites are one of the few pets that can potentially cause thousands of dollars worth of damage and repairs to your home. That is why offer packages that guarantees your home protection whether or not you are seeing signs termites. As one of St. George's only certified termite experts, it is so much easier and cheaper to prevent your home from termites compared to deal with the damages they can cause.
The Premier Promise
In the event you see things out of the ordinary, you can schedule us to come out as many times as you need until the problem is solved free of charge.
Most Common Signs of Termites
Crumbling Damaged Wood
Wood Sounds Hallow when Tapped or Knocked
Damage Paint
Drooping Drywall
Mud Tubs
Small Holes in walls
Appearance of water damage
How Much Does the Average
Termite Treatment Cost?
Termites are one of the few pets that can potentially cause thousands of dollars worth of damage and repairs to your home. That is why offer packages that guarantees your home protection to protect you from those added expenses. As one of St. George's only certified termite experts, it is so much easier and cheaper to prevent your home from termites compared to deal with the damages they can cause.
Studies have shown that in 2021, termites caused around $30 billion dollars in overall damages. Which equates to about $3,000 a home in overall damages. If you are planning on selling or buying a home in near future. Then scheduling an inspection is an easy choice to make
What is the Difference Between the 2 Service Options?
There are a couple major differences between the two options.
1) Cost
Termites protection guarantee covers all the product and service costs associated with termites for no extra cost.
Home owners don't have to pay a cent out of the pocket for anything regarding termites because they are fully protected under the protection plan.
For those who do not have the protection plan have a separate billing process because those services are not included in the basic quarterly service. Prices for the base termite package vary on the size of the property and level of infestation.
That is why strongly recommend to every new customer to sign up for the termite protection plan. The plan covers the entire quarterly service as well as saving them potentially hundreds to thousands of dollars in event of a termite infestation.
2) Service Levels
Both plans both come with service schedules for the following years, however the premium package also includes our base quarterly service and our full rodent protection package.
Closing On A House or Moving?
When you are going through the home buying process we HIGHLY recommend getting your own inspection of the home. You never want to move into a home that has an untreated termite problem. Whether for it's for a VA loan or just want a second opinion, getting an inspection is the best way to make sure you aren't walking into potentially thousands of dollars of repairs.
As one of St. George's only certified termite experts, let us make sure your next home is safe and termite free.